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right to sue中文是什么意思

用"right to sue"造句"right to sue"怎么读"right to sue" in a sentence


  • 起诉权


  • That administrative judiciary power and administrative right to sue are different yet related has become the central point in the entire legal relation of administrative litigation
  • Quebecchinese . net is a public place . it has all the right to remove any illegal or unethical information and reserves the right to sue the makers of such information
  • It ' s necessary for china to use for reference foreign successful experience and based on the situation of own country , to broaden step by step the limits of right to sue on environmental civil law suit
  • Adopting the new system of carrier liability inclusive of enhancement of limitation amount , compulsory insurance and the third party ' s right to sue directly made the most significant progresses
  • International conventions and the laws of the major countries ruled by law stipulate that when mandatory measures are taken that may hurt the personal right , property right , and right to privacy of the suspects or the accused , they should be notified of the justifications and their right to sue
  • At the aim of rule by law , environmental protection and peoples ' environmental rights , some countries have broadened the limits of right to sue on environmental civil law suit to different extent from three aspects including adaptable use bound of actual harm , right to sue on environmental protection and other social organization , right to sue of unborn people delegated by people of the time
  • When there is essential damage the creditor has the right to sue the third party for tort independently . in the practice of trial , it ' s more important to research the defense than the constitution . this paper introduced some ripe defense as reasonable behavior , justness dispute , lawful behavior , line of duty and inapplicability of tort law
  • The key to improve the complaint system focuses on the scientific classification on the types of the conversion crime in article 270 of the criminal law and the proper restriction on the scope of the people who have the right to institute public prosecution . the author thinks that the crime of conversion of authorized property may be prescribed at the acceptance at complaint only , but the people who have the right to sue must be limited to the family members and relatives whose property is converted
  • Finally , delivery of cargo without original bills of lading promote the development of shipping in a way in practice , it has reasonability in existence . chapter three is writer ' s study for 10 leading cases of chinese maritime court and court of cassation concerning delivery of cargo without original bills of lading , writer conclude as follows : chinese courts are inclined to regard it as breach of contract but not in tort in judicial practice ; chinese courts allow the plaintiff to choose to sue in tort or of breach ; chinese courts have abandoned the viewpoint of " who holder the bills who must have the right to sue " or " who holder the bills who must win the case " ; and in many cases concerning delivery of cargo without original bills of lading , the court ignored plaintiff ' s actions against the carrier , it proved that carrier can escape reasonability of delivery of cargo without original bills of lading in some cases
用"right to sue"造句  
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